Stay safe at home in Jamestown by avoiding these home security blunders

Are you using your birthday or wedding date in your Wi-Fi password? Placing a key outside for a friend or neighbor? Unfortunately, individuals put their homes and loved ones at risk each day by being slack or forgetful about security. Don’t be part of that group. Preferably, stay safe at home in Jamestown by staying away from these typical home security blunders.
Mistake No. 1: Leaving doors and windows unsecured
Don’t you rejoice in the time of year when you can crack windows and open doors to let in cool, refreshing air? Just don’t forget to shut and secure them when you leave! You may be shocked by the amount of residents who are lax about locking these key entryways, the most frequent places for intruders to enter.
Do you ever forget to secure your doors? What if you were able to utilize your home security system to secure them for you? This functionality is now a possibility. You’ll stay safe at home in Jamestown when you schedule your smart locks to automatically activate at particular times of the day or once they’ve been opened. If you don’t wish to program them, you can still control your locks remotely with your handy smartphone app.
Mistake No. 2: Electing to self-monitor in Jamestown
Urgent events often take place at the most inconvenient times. Imagine you’re on vacation and splashing around in the water when the fire alarm triggers. Or, suppose there’s a crisis when your smartphone is off during a doctor’s appointment. When it comes to protecting your home and family, you must have a backup. A respected professional monitoring service won’t miss an alarm and responds quickly to remedy all types of emergencies. Self-monitoring can be problematic as you can’t be available around the clock. Get the support and assurance you have a right to with qualified monitoring specialists.
Mistake No. 3: Letting packages pile up on your Jamestown front porch
Leaving packages on your front porch is a temptation to prowlers. Don’t encourage them. Instead, get your deliveries as soon as they appear with the assistance of your home’s security. Today’s video doorbells will dispatch alerts via your smartphone app when an item is dropped off and can even tell the difference between people, animals, packages, and cars. This capability is valuable in minimizing unnecessary notifications.
Mistake No. 4: Careless home network security
Wireless smart homes have opened a new standard of remote functionality. You can review video streams, activate locks, and even adjust your thermostat from any location. But you must be certain your Wi-Fi network is secured. Negligent network security is among the most common blunders people make. You can circumvent this by doing the following:
- Choose strong passwords and always change the default password on devices like routers.
- Utilize the most up-to-date Wi-Fi security protocols.
- Place home security sensors on their own network, away from the guest network that offers internet access to friends and family.
- Make certain you schedule software or firmware updates for your security devices and router.
Avoid security mistakes that put your Jamestown home at risk
One of the best ways to stay away from common home security mistakes in Jamestown is by implementing a full-featured smart home from Vivint. Tools like remote access, smart locking systems, and 24-hour monitoring will help safeguard your property day and night. Forget to secure your door or miss a pressing message? No problem! Your home security and its professional monitoring specialists will have your back. Contact (601) 494-3394 today to get started.